Study Visit of the Estonian Integration Foundation

It was an honor to help the Estonian Integration Foundation to prepare and carry out their study visit to the Netherlands on integration and labor market policies. The group visited the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and It Starts with Language Foundation in The Hague. The program also included a busy day in Eindhoven (big thanks to our Honorary Consul in Eindhoven, mr Peter Kentie!), where inspiration regarding the integration of internationals was gathered from the Municipality of Eindhoven, Holland Expat Center and Eindhoven365. In Amsterdam the municipality shared its experiences regarding language learning and employment practices, complemented by tips from ITTA UvA Knowledge Institute for Language Development. The Dutch Council for Refugees in Amsterdam was also visited in the framework of this study visit.

We hope the information received and lessons learned will lead to smoother work processes back in Estonia!